
Year In Review

Always enjoy the end of the year - "year in review" stories that are blasted all over the place. I enjoy reviewing the wacky year that was and it helps me remember that a whole new year is before me, with its moments of awe, sadness, joy and ever moving forward moments.

We spent our New Year's Eve with our neighbors. We got talking about age (at about 10:30pm after eating ourselves silly and drinking * W A Y * too much as proof of the pounding headache the next day). Turns out, I was the youngest in the room. I'm about 15 years younger than the eldest in the New Year's eve foursome.

We got to talking about the world and the advances and changes. The "eldest" had a stack of old LIFE magazines from the sixties about the space race that he brought over the next day - so I could see "how it was"... WOW ...I'm completely overwhelmed by how similar some of the articles on the "war" in Vietnam are to the war in Iraq.

The same things we were worried about in 1966 we are worrying about in 2006 - only LIFE in 1966 would still tell us to buy alcohol and cigarettes next to a report about our worries!

I do know that no matter what worries I have the world is going to keep moving - forward. Walking each day into something new - and in 2007 I'll be sitting here again reviewing those moments.

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