
Jury Duty

This is the Orange County courthouse where I spent my day today. I had jury duty... I don't think anyone wants to win the jury duty lottery but yet we all know we should do our part. I just know if I was sitting on the other side, accused of a crime, I would want a fair person to be selected to judge me so that motivated me to go- that and I have rejected the request twice and was expecting one of those cards that says you can't reject anymore was looming in my future.

On the whole, the process was not bad. I can say that they have worked pretty hard to make sure that jury duty is not unpleasant. The jury room, free WiFi, local phone calls, food, etc. But the tension in the room for sure is that no one wants to be there - everyone has somewhere, somebody and something they NEED to be doing and yet we are here in the room awaiting OUR fates... murder trial, drug trial, civil suit - sit here all day and never get called?

I got called to go to panel for criminal case. But I was rejected and released. I think it was the questions about law enforcement... do you know any law enforcement?- Yes I do. Would you take the testimony of a law enforcement agent as more truthful or believe it over a citizens testimony? Well couldn't honestly say that I wouldn't . I just said- honestly (to which the judge said YES honestly!) I would weigh the testimony of a police officer much higher than anyone else. To me that just seems like a loaded question.

I don't think I would be "blinded" by it (maybe I would?)... I just grew up with a strong belief that law enforcement officers don't lie and are to be trusted more than others in our society. The judge questioned me a lot about it but I finally said in a very firm voice - I would honestly have a hard time not believing what a law enforcement officer says is true and that would not be fair to the defendant.

At that point I think the defence attorney crossed my name off the list!

I was returned to the "pool" with my other fellow rejected jurors only to be told we were free to go - time served. A collective sigh from the group.

1 comment:

yerdoingitwrong said...

I have never been called for Jury Duty and I want to be so badly. I think I'd find the whole process very intriguing!!

Hubby has been called several times, but they'd never have him. He works for the police Dept and has for 15 years. Defense Attorney's don't want him around!!

Fun blog. I'm off to read more. =)