
Miami Boat Show

I am at the Miami boat show. Big does not describe it.

G I G A N T I C yachts

L A R G E fake boobs - everywhere - in tops not suited for their saggy sacks

H U G E egos - floating across docks with cigars

E N O R M O U S - purveyors of liquid dreams of all sorts

The wild ocean is just over there and we are all here being civilized and not laughing that someone will be buying a 21 million dollar yacht today.

I hear that just down the street someone is killing someone else for a pair of $200 dollar sneakers. Someone is pulling half eaten hot dogs out of trash can because they don't know when they will eat next.

The most beautiful thing I saw today was a manatee that came to the docks for the fresh water that was pouring out of a leaky valve.

She was by far the most magnificent thing I saw all day.

1 comment:

KrisRobinson said...

What a great post, Becka! It is when the haves and have nots are so close together that the injustice seems so obvious.

And that someone paid thousands of dollars for breasts while someone else goes homeless is insane.