
8 things tagged

We have to post these rules before we give you the facts: Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.

1 - I hate being phsicially cold more than anything and yawn incessantly if I do become cold.

2 - I close my eyes during movie previews in theaters if the contnet is too violent and I really hate it when you go to see a comedy and they show a preview for a horror flick!

3 - I am ashamed that I have never learned a foreign language.

4 - I still add and subtract using my fingers to help and I hate long division- math has never been a strong point for me.

5 - I secretly desire to write novels or poetry like Amy Tan or Rumi.

6 - I do not like French's yellow mustard on sandwiches, hamburgers or hot dogs.

7 - I will wear the most uncomfortable shoe on earth if matches my outfit right.

8 - I love to watch sunsets over bodies of water - ocean, lake, river, stream, puddle - just doesn't matter as long as water is present.

1 comment:

KrisRobinson said...

LOVE your new blog look!

Can I play?

Didn't you learn French a bit?

I'm just the opposite on shoes. Can't remember the last time I wore a pair that killed my feet.