
Last Rights of the Great Tuna after Easter

Hubby and I spent Easter Sunday in Clear Water, Florida this year (West coast white sand- warm waters). There was something about that name - Clear Water Beach. I was looking forward to going there as it might help me "clear" out some of that negative thinking I like to harbor during the longest days of winter. Beaches have a way of washing things out of you.

Sunday it was cloudy but warm and windy. Lots of tourists and spring breakers.

This morning the wind was forceful and there were HUGE waves - especially for the gulf side which is more often very calm. We saw several fish washed up on the beach - puffer fish, jellies, and even a very large tuna - mouth open as if to say ahh. Mr. Tuna! - I said then I asked him out loud - OH MY, MR. TUNA - HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!! May your soul rest in peace dear Mr. Tuna and may you find the next life to be even better than this one.

The waves had brought up a lot of new shells too but there was something unsettling about the howl of the wind the roiling of the waves that made me think it was Gods way of reminding me that the clearing of my mind needs to be more than just a day at the beach...

I miss my gal pals right now - our LONG MARCH into spring this year seems especially arduous. Some winters it seems the chill hangs around us and doesn't want to let go. Signs of spring keep weaving their way into each day though -(i.e. the wild peacocks are back in Winter Park and this evening they are cooing up a storm - talk about sex in the city!).

I have mostly invested my hopes in summer though - I keep having a dream that it will be perfectly wrapped in sunlight and golden hues- we will especially appreciate it after this hard winter of battles and a cold wet spring - yes - I have put my hope that summer holds our light.

Here's a link to my super pal Krobbins' blog (she's like the best ever!) http://krobinson.blogs.com/weblog/

That's enough for tonight!

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