Picture released by the U.S. Army Tuesday, May 3, 2005 shows a U.S. Army soldier comforting a child *fatally* wounded in a car bomb blast in Mosul, 360 km (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, Monday, May 2, 2005. 15 Iraqis were wounded in the combined suicide bomb attack. (AP Photo/U.S. Army)
What is a weapon of mass destruction? Isn't that why we are in Iraq? To rid the world from weapons of mass destruction? Isn't that what our president and congress told us we needed to do?
I don't know about you but that scene looks pretty massively destructive to me. The wrath of it does not just end in this photo- the soldiers' life is massively effected and everyone who is part of his life will suffer from this - the child's family and everyone who would have ever known him have now been massively effected.
The car bombers had a massive impact too on the lives of the Iraq citizens. How do you go out and live life when you know this might be waiting for you?
And the child. My heart is breaking for this child. How can we let a child be killed like this?
President George W Bush, would you please justify this child's death for us? Why has he been sacrificed? Oh yes, your weapons of mass destruction - have to rid the world of those, right?
Mr. Car Bomb Terrorist radical insurgent dark shadows people, would you please explain how killing a child is serving God? Would you please explain to me how this action will help get US soldiers OUT of Iraq so you can take it over? I think you are making a massive mistake if you think this is progressing your cause.
Guess what everybody? I think they just found the weapons of mass destruction and they will be much more destructive than anyone ever anticipated.
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