

It's almost *s p r i n g* we are heading out of winter and today in my little world it was 80 + degrees with sunshine...ahhhh. So I haven't written any observations as of late... so here I go:

I was on the porch after lunch today and a gigantic-huge fluffy white cloud passed over the sun it was one of those tropical Florida clouds so the sun light passed outside, around and through open spaces in it. I could see shafts of light beaming down from the sun - like you see on devotional cards in church. Then these incredible fingers of sun light would hit the lake water and strike sparkles making huge light diamonds across the lake. It was very dream like - it was holy and pure. Then the cloud passed the sun.

Later in the day someone suggested that I apply for a job opening that they had seen and thought of me. That was nice -I think it would involve a little too much travel though. Still it was good to be asked.

After dinner tonight hubby and I were walking back to our car and I saw a bumper sticker:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with an order of fries and a large coke to go."

In other news - well the other news just isn't pleasant right now - the world is having a chaos party and frankly King Bush II tends to give me a headache so I'm trying to limit my exposure to the aweful sensation of "I can't believe our president/government/world leader is doing this" to -- um -- only once a day.

Lastly, I begin training for my Avon Breast Cancer walk this summer 7/8 & 7/9... in SF. Walk a mile in those shoes - it's a start.

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