
Skinny Boy Bradley

What is your Blue's Name? Go see at Sticky Fingers.

Bill and I stopped in North Carolina to have some Sticky Fingers BBQ on our way to Virgina for my cousin's wedding in October. MMMM - I have to say some of the best bbq I've ever had. They have devine sauces too. The meat melts in your mouth. California kids do not know bbq - we just don't. It's in the water in the Carolina's. You can not duplicate it either - you just have to have it here.

I like my Blue's name too - Skinny Boy Bradley! Bill's Blues name is Muddy Fingers Jackson. Perfect for a computer geeks who can't type.

In other news we vote this week (please do it) and some wise words from Swami Beyondananda's 2006 State of the Universe Address:For millennia, spiritual teachers have been calling on us to go for the highest common denominator, but we've always seemed to end up with the lowest common dominator instead. And now, George W. Bush has done what preachers, teachers and other far-sighted visionaries have failed to do up until now: His policies have been so alarming, that he has awakened a slumbering body politic that slept through all previous alarms. Where others have failed, he has people all across the world praying, "God help us!" And instead of waiting for an intervention from above -- after all, we cannot expect to be fed intervenously forever -- people are beginning to help themselves, and even more importantly, help each other.

Amen - get out and vote!!!

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